Friday, December 14, 2007

1) Why do we work?

    1. Our likeness to God.

    2. Specific responsibilities.

    3. Love for those that benefit.

    4. Commanded.

2) What is our life’s work?

    1. Where do our gifts and talents lie?

    2. Explore and develop.

    3. Pray for guidance.

    4. Have faith in God to open doors.

    5. Bearing fruit?

3) What is our attitude toward work?

    1. Do it to God’s glory.

    2. "The least of these".

    3. Work as worship.

Why do we work? First, it is part of our nature. Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15. God is an active being.

"In His image" means we will be like Him. As God creates, we create. As He builds, so we build (govern, heal, etc.). None of the works of God are without a parallel in man. It is our nature, which is God’s nature in us, to do good things. This is the true source of work.

Second, to fulfill our responsibilities. Just exactly how this comes into play needs to be discussed and well thought out. The object is to lighten the labor load when possible.

Third, for the love of those who benefit from your work. This is easiest to see in service oriented occupations, but is applicable everywhere –

  • Engineers,

  • Stock-boys,

  • Proof Readers;

All can be motivated by the love of those who are on the receiving end of their labors.

Fourth, we are commanded to work.

:12 Commanded in the Lord Jesus Christ.

4) Life’s work.

What do you want to be? What does God want you to be? There is aneed today to place God’s will in priority in regards to work. (When I say work, I may or may not be referring to employment).

First we need to know where our gifts lie. Small things do count. Anything you have to offer, God can use. Talents and Spiritual Gifts. If you know that you have a particular spiritual gift, then you can know at least part of God’s plan. He doesn’t give out gifts if He doesn’t want them used. A spiritual gift definitely goes beyond human nature. Actually, I’m of the opinion that God doesn’t give anything for no reason. He has a purpose for everything. Parable of the Talents. Matt. 25:14-30. Use them. Look for opportunities. Again, don’t think an opportunity is too small. Then go fruit inspecting. Good fruit is a guarantee of your position in the will of God. And, as in everything, pray for guidance, having faith that God goes before you. For example:

Talent -> Writing
Opportunity -> Letter writing to the elderly
Reaction -> Pray about it and give it a try
Fruit -> Good, bad, none?

If no fruit is apparent, give it time, and keep praying. If good fruit, continue in God’s will. If bad fruit, get out and redirect yourself. Also, these things can change. God’s will for our lives is not static. Something that doesn’t work out now might later. Continue to seek God’s will. Ps. 127:1.

Attitude towards work. Mark 9:41. Here it is in a nutshell: do it unto the Lord. Work ethic.