Friday, December 14, 2007

Servanthood: Study

John 13:1 – 17.

:6 Peter is shocked. Why?

Still clinging to the idea of Jesus as an earthly king – the idea of hierarchy – that there is an order to work – the most noble men do the most noble (i.e. Least menial) work. Jesus, being king, made this foot-washing shocking. As God as well, it should be far more so!

Luke 22:24 – 27

What right have we to be proud?

Areas of pride:

How many of these do we have any baseline control over? None! We have nothing to be proud of. In reality, there is no inherent hierarchy among men! There is order, but based upon authority, rather than prideful traits. What it will be in heaven we don’t know.

Some have greater talents, skills, etc., but that does not make the person greater – our only measure in Christ is the fruit we produce. Luke 9:46 – 48.

Authority is a different thing altogether. We may have great authority, and still live out full servanthood.

What is authority? Power to influence behavior? Does the possession of authority demand the use of authority?

Jesus has the ultimate authority – but here, He does not exercise it, but Himself serves.


The Spirit is God, but spends His time in service, instructing and leading us.

Security – why do we feel the need to place ourselves in a hierarchy?
  1. Pride
  2. Lack of self-worth

Our worth is solely dependent on God’s view of us – who loved us enough to die – there is no other measure! Thus we don’t have to protect our dignity.

Phillipians 2:1 – 11.

We should not be concerned with whether anyone recognises our ‘greatness’, we should simply increase it (bear fruit).